
Humanitarian University Consortium

Distance Education Initiative

International Health Regulations Online Test

Presented by

Stephen M. Apatow, Director of Research and Development  
Humanitarian University Consortium Graduate Studies Center for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Law

The following online test encompasses 15 questions (True/False) and two fill in sections associated with the International Health Regulations Online Course. 

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International Health Regulations Online Test






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1.The plague epidemics that overran Europe between 1830 and 1847 were catalysts for intensive infectious disease diplomacy and multilateral cooperation in public health, led to the first International Sanitary Conference in Paris in 1851 and adoption of the International Sanitary Regulations. True or False.

2. The International Sanitary Regulations, were replaced by the International Health Regulations in 1969 and  were primarily intended to monitor and control six serious infectious diseases: cholera, plague, yellow fever, smallpox, relapsing fever and typhus. True or False.

3. Under the IHR (1969), only cholera, plague and yellow fever remain notifiable, meaning that States are required to notify WHO if and when these diseases occur on their territory. True or False.

4. The International Health Regulations (IHR) are an international legal instrument that is binding on 194 countries across the globe, including all the Member States of WHO.  True or False.

5. The IHR (2005) aim to prevent, protect against, control and respond to the international spread of disease while avoiding unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade. True or False.

6. The IHR, which entered into force on 15 June 2005, requires countries to report certain disease outbreaks and public health events of international concern to WHO. True or False.

7. The IHR (2005) require States to notify WHO of all events that may constitute a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) and to respond to requests for verification of information regarding such events. True or False.

8. IHR 2005 includes a list of diseases for which a single case may constitute a PHEIC and must be reported to WHO immediately. This list consists of smallpox, poliomyelitis, human influenza caused by new subtypes, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). True or False.

9. IHR 2005 makes surveillance central to guiding effective public health action against cross-border disease threats. The regulations define surveillance as "the systematic ongoing collection, collation and analysis of data for public health purposes and the timely dissemination of public health information for assessment and public health response as necessary". True or False.

10. A fundamental innovation in the IHR (2005) is the requirement that each country develop, strengthen and maintain core public health capacities for surveillance and response based on analysis of the grassroots capacities on the community/village level. True or False.

11. Under the IHR, each country is committed to develop and maintain core public health capacities for surveillance and response. These capacities also include outbreaks of chemical, radiological and food origin. True or False.

12. According to the IHR (2005) a public health emergency of international concern refers to an extraordinary public health event which is determined, under specific procedures (1) to constitute a public health risk to other States through the international spread of disease; and (2) to potentially require a coordinated international response. True or False.

13. The enforcement mechanism outlined in IHR (2005) for States was established to protect against unjustified measures being adopted unilaterally by other States.  True or False.

14. Under the IHR every country is required to designate a National IHR Focal Point, charged with providing to and receiving information from WHO on a 24 hour basis, seven days a week. True or False.

15. The Regulations recognize that media and other unofficial reports often appear in advance of official notification of a public health emergency of international concern.True or False.

Please list the “National IHR Focal Point” for your country:

Please list the WHO IHR contact point for your country: